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Konca Şaher has over 15 years of experience in the field of acoustics & noise control in Turkey, the United Kingdom, and around the Globe. She works collaboratively with architects, structural engineers, mechanical engineers, and Local Authorities discussing and agreeing on project objectives. She has been involved in projects including hospitality & leisure, residential developments, large master planning schemes, health care facilities, schools, auditoria, train & metro stations, & offices. Konca has worked as an acoustic consultant for the London 2012 Olympic Games, King Abdul-Aziz International Airport, and Istanbul New Airport projects.


Key Experiences

Room acoustics design, measurements, and simulations.
Sound insulation and noise reduction calculations.
Building services noise control.
Room acoustics and Public Address and Voice Alarm system design. (PA/VA Design)
Environmental noise assessments.
Construction noise and vibration.
“Building Acoustics Projects” and “Building Acoustics Reports” for planning applications in compliance with Building Regulations.
Calculations for LEED and BREEAM certifications.



Acoustic Consultant
University Lecturer


Ph.D. (2013) Delft University of Technology
M.Sc. Building Science (2001) Middle East Technical University
B.Arch. Architecture (1998) Middle East Technical University

Professional Associations

MIOA (Institute of Acoustics)
TAKDER President (Turkish Acoustical Society)





[email protected]



Uğur Akagündüz has over 8 years of professional experience. His experience as an acoustic consultant expands over a range of fields including acoustic modeling, noise & vibration control, environmental noise, room & building acoustics, and electro-acoustic. He works collaboratively with architects, structural engineers, mechanical engineers, musicians & venue managers discussing and agreeing on project objectives. He has been involved in many projects including airport buildings, industrial developments, music halls, performing arts spaces & offices. He is one of the senior consultants in the Istanbul New Airport Turkish Airlines Building Project working on sound insulation, vibration control, and construction noise assessments.


Key Experiences

Acoustical design – room acoustics, modeling, measurements.
Noise and vibration control – mechanical rooms, industrial noise, and environmental noise assessment.
Sound insulation calculation, measurement, and modeling.
Room acoustics and public address and voice alarm system design.
Electro-acoustical design and modeling.
Building acoustics projects and building acoustics reports for planning applications in compliance with building regulations.
Sound recording technologies.
Sound design and post-production.
Stage acoustics.



Acoustic Consultant
Mechanical Engineer
Sound Engineer
Sound Artist


M.Sc. Sound Engineering & Design (2014) MİAM-İstanbul Technical University
B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering (2011) İstanbul Technical University

Professional Associations

TMMOB – Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Member
TAKDER – Turkish Acoustical Society Member